The first section records the statistics of Drake, shows the status of his current equipped weapons, and describes the characteristics of his partners. The journal is divided into six sections.

The third possession is the journal, which the player must procure. Exceptional characters like Sparkle and Wahooka cannot be outfitted, but can still consume items. For instance, only dwarves can wear dwarven platemail, and only Drake can wear knight armor. Some armor can be worn by certain characters. Certain weapons like polearms and heavy swords require Drake to have two free hands to wield. Although Drake can wield any weapon, other characters like Farli and Karzak can only wield hammers, axes, and shields. The magic mirror allows the player to equip Drake and other characters with weapons, armor, and accessories, and to consume items to affect their status, such as healing potions or bad smelling Throg food. Items of the same type can be combined up to a maximum quantity of 99 other items can be combined such as a quiver which can hold 99 arrows. The magic scroll allows the player to pick up an infinite number of items. The protagonist Drake has two starting possessions: the magic scroll and the magic mirror. Other tasks performed with the mouse pointers include opening and closing chests, opening and closing panels, pulling levers and switches, pressing buttons, drinking water, and giving items. For example, the mouse pointer changes to an eye when the player can examine things (often signs), or a spread-out hand when the player can pick up items.

When the mouse pointer is moved onto a particular something it changes to another icon to indicate a different action. The mouse pointer is usually a target indicator for aiming attacks and weapons wherever it is clicked. The player uses the keyboard for movement and typing in notes in the journal, and the mouse to interact with objects and characters. The game is set in a series of underground labyrinths, filled with monsters, treasures and traps. Stonekeep is a first-person role-playing game in the style of Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master. Repeatedly delayed, the game that was supposed to be finished in nine months took five years to make. It is a first-person dungeon crawler game with pre-rendered environments, digitized characters and live-action cinematic sequences. Stonekeep is a role-playing video game developed and released by Interplay Productions for the PC in 1995.