The targeting system can also be used to heat up metals like Wristblades.Īnother feature of the Predator's helmet is its voice translator/recorder.

This tracking system also allows the Predators to plot trajectories of thrown objects. This also has a zoom capability, so the Predators can see and aim over great distances.

As the quarry is decided upon, the designator will zoom a triangle in on the prey which will flash and turn solid red, then fire. Incorporated to finalize the shot is a lock-on system. This targeting-laser is modelled after the Yautja symbol of unity and teamwork. A shoulder-mounted Plasmacaster uses this laser target designator, which comprises three corners of an open triangle, to aim at the designated prey.

Housed within the helmet is a targeting and tracking system for shoulder based Plasmacasters. He did this by inserting the substance via a needle into his wrist gauntlet, suggesting a connection between the two. Predator: Requiem, a Yautja hunter gathers the substance he was containing a Facehugger in, and installs a new vision mode on his bio-helmet which allows him to see the substance highlighted. Additional vision modes are available to determine the health status of the targets. Also available is a spectrum and a specifically tuned mode, EM field detector, used to visualize Xenomorphs. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY.Bio-helmets have been shown to have access to several different visual frequencies, most commonly seen being infrared, effective to visualize humans, but rendered essentially useless in a Xenomorph Hunt. WARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. IllFonic® and the IllFonic logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of IllFonic, LLC throughout the world. PREDATOR TM & © 2021 20th CENTURY STUDIOS. Legal Notice / EULA*Internet connection required for online multiplayer. For full details on how to activate please follow this link: Instructions: In order to activate this game, you will require a third-party 'Steam' account. Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1660 or AMD R9 Fury XĮSRB: BLOOD AND GORE, DRUG REFERENCE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, MATURE, PARTIAL NUDITY, STRONG LANGUAGE Processor: Intel Core i7-5930K or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Recommended RequirementsOS: Windows 10 (64-bit)

Processor: Intel Core i5-6400 or AMD FX-8320 Minimum RequirementsOS: Windows 10 (64-bit)